Fwd: [ARNOVA-L] Call for proposals! Public Administration Research Conference in Orlando, April 12-14, 2018
Mihai Lisetchi
contact la aid-ong.ro
Mar Noi 7 06:52:14 UTC 2017
spre informare
Cele bune!
Mihai Lisetchi
Agenția pentru Informarea și Dezvoltarea Organizațiilor Neguvernamentale -
Agency for Information and Development of Non-governmental Organizations
e-mail: contact la aid-ong.ro, mobil: +40-722-218 204
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/ "Viziune fara actiune inseamna sa visezi cu ochii deschisi. Actiune fara
viziune este un cosmar!"
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maria-Elena Augustin <Maria.Augustin la ucf.edu>
Date: 2017-11-06 23:20 GMT+02:00
Subject: [ARNOVA-L] Call for proposals! Public Administration Research
Conference in Orlando, April 12-14, 2018
To: "ARNOVA-L la iupui.edu" <ARNOVA-L la iupui.edu>
The Center for Public and Nonprofit Management (CPNM) at the University of
Central Florida’s School of Public Administration will host its 12th annual
Public Administration Research Conference (PARC). The conference will be
held April 12-14, 2018, at the FAIRWINDS Alumni Center on the UCF campus in
Orlando, Florida. Continuing to focus on important public administration
issues, the 12th PARC will organize around the theme, *“A Return to
‘Governance in Dark Times’? Creating Spaces for Citizen Dialogue,
Encouraging Engagement in Public Life, and Ensuring Government Transparency
and Accountability.”*
This conference theme is timely as Americans face tragic events – like
hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria as well as the Las Vegas massacre – and
are divided on political and social issues – like healthcare, immigration,
freedom of expression and silent protest – trust among one another and in
government is low. This conference calls for presentations from scholars
and practitioners to help guide public and nonprofit servants in these
challenging times to create spaces for citizen dialogue, encourage
engagement in public life, and ensure government transparency and
accountability. Proposals may address the profound challenges of public
service in a wide range of public management and policy domains, including,
but not limited to: human and social services, nonprofit management,
budgeting and financial management, emergency management, and planning and
economic development. Presentations may be research papers, case studies,
best practices, etc. that highlight authentic models of citizen involvement
and engagement in building public trust.
The deadline for submission is December 15, 2017. Please submit your
proposal by sending an abstract (not to exceed 500 words), title, and
author(s) contact information to cpnm la ucf.edu. If you have logistical
questions related to the conference, please contact the CPNM Assistant
Director Ms. Maria-Elena Augustin Maria.Augustin la ucf.edu. If you have
questions about the conference theme, please contact the conference
committee chair Dr. Deborah A. Carroll Deborah.Carroll la ucf.edu.
*Maria-Elena Augustin, MPA*
Assistant Director, Center for Public and Nonprofit Management
School of Public Administration
University of Central Florida
Office: 407.823.3794
maria.augustin la ucf.edu
*Please note:* Florida has a very broad open records law (F.S. 119). Emails
may be subject to public disclosure.
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