[epsi-coord] Fwd: Technical Report 1, ePSIplatform

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 10:02:59 GMT 2011

Hi all,

After incorporating Hans' and Marc's comments, additions and feedback, I've
finished up the revision of the Tech Report this morning. Just now I've
sent it to Juan, see below.

The reports are in the Dropbox.

Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ton Zijlstra <ton.zijlstra at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: Technical Report 1, ePSIplatform
To: Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu
Cc: Richard.Swetenham at ec.europa.eu, Linda.ENSCH at ec.europa.eu,
Aura.GAIDARJI at ec.europa.eu

Dear Juan,

I am pleased to send you a revised and extended first interim technical
report. We have taken the feedback and advice you kindly provided to heart.
This new revision has been structured and aligned with both the four main
objectives of the ePSIplatform service contract as well as the more
detailed structure and specifications of our proposal, in which those
objectives are addressed. Furthermore, we have substantially extended our
reporting of actions that have been undertaken thus far, providing
examples, statistics and illustrations where pertinent, and provided in
more detail the actions we foresee for the coming reporting period(s).

Although our regularly contracted proofreader is not available to us this
week, due to Christmas and New Year's Eve, we have taken great care in our
use of language.

We are confident this revision addresses your questions and feedback, and
are of course happy to discuss any questions that may remain upon reading
the report.

We hope you had a pleasant Christmas, and wish you and your colleagues all
the best for 2012. We are looking forward to working with you in the coming
months, also in the run-up to the conference (60 registrations and
counting!). PSI re-use is still growing as an area of tremendous interest
and potential, and to us as a team and me personally, it keeps getting more
exciting. We are therefore very much looking forward to continue our work
in 2012.

Best regards,

Ton Zijlstra

Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 4:25 PM, <Juan.PELEGRIN at ec.europa.eu> wrote:

> **
> Ref: Ares (e4) 1489434 Save
> Ref. Ares(2011)1334954 Reg
> Dear Ton,
> **** **
> Thank you for your first interim technical report, which we read with
> great interest.
> ** **
> The report is formally rejected, since further work and details are
> required as to illustrate what of the required actions required to be
> undertaken as specified in the tender specifications and your offer have
> been met.
> ** **
> From a *formal perspective* please be informed that it is the Commission,
> as established in the contract, who will decide based on your technical
> report whether you have or not met the agreed objectives. Therefore we
> would appreciate that you present and illustrate what actions have been
> undertaken, and allow the Commission services to make the necessary
> judgements. In addition I would like to inform you that this report is an
> accompanying formal administrative document therefore we would appreciate
> that you dedicate the necessary time to present the report in a structured
> and formal way (reference  to SMART number), and appropriate time is
> dedicate to English proof reading.( e.g. please avoid language such as "
> this report is as simple  as possible")
> ** **
> From a *substance point of view*, we would appreciate that you
> restructure your current report and aligning it with the four objectives of
> the platform;
> ** **
> a) Creating and maintaining a web site, building on the work of the
> current one
> b) further development of the community of relevant stakeholders
> c) the advisory service and
> d) awareness raising actions.
> ** **
> General comments per objective:
> ** **
> *a) Creating and maintaining a web site, building on the work of the
> current one*. Please report on when the "new interface" took place, and
> illustrate with indicators the regular use of the website.( daily, monthly,
> from which MS, which type of user, most read, etc). In addition please go
> through your offer, and provide and what features will be improved in the
> second phase, how do you plan to catch up with the number of  news and
> making content visible more easily .( e.g. Topic reports are hidden).
> Please also go through your proposal (pages 25-28) and provide input as to
> what of the envisaged have taken place and which ones not.
> b) *Further development of the community of relevant stakeholders*. Could
> you provide greater feedback on how are these new "active users",  public
> bodies, re-users, new users, which MS etc, etc. And what actions do you
> plan to undertake to enlarge the user base. In addition please provide
> figures on the blogs/twitters aspects, and assess their impact to help
> engage new users. Blogging seems not achieving the desired interaction. Any
> remedies ??
> ** **
> ** **
> c) *The advisory service*. Please develop in greater detail what you have
> done in this aspect, and provide some figures on which topic reports are
> the most read. Present your current draft score board, which provisional MS
> are you targeting, etc. The *ask an expert service*, has it been used?
> Have you approached your sectorial experts for guidance, input, etc.  Again
> go through your offer and illustrate what has been achieved so far.
> ** **
> d) *Awareness raising actions*. The awareness raising mission actions are
> substantial and reasonable. You may wish to provide a 2-3 lines on the most
> important ones.  Although we have now agreed on the 16th March for the
> Conference, we have no news on the Sectoral workshops. Can you provide us
> with further input? Content ? Objectives ? Idem for the prizes?
> ** **
> I think you can accommodate most of current report along those lines and
> provide some further input as required. In addition please provide us a
> flavour of what actions are envisaged for the next 8 months.Looking
> forward to receiving your revised report.
> ** **
> May I finally thank you for all your good work so far, and wish you a
> happy Christmas.
> ** **
> Cordially,
> ** **
> Juan
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Ton Zijlstra [mailto:ton.zijlstra at gmail.com]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 30, 2011 8:39 AM
> *Subject:* Technical Report 1, ePSIplatform
> Dear Juan,
> Please find attached the first technical report for the ePSIplatform
> project, as we are now 8 months into the contract. The technical report
> describes our progress and lists improvement actions where needed. We
> conclude we are on the right track, and above target for part of the
> indicators, although some items such as the scoreboard need a boost. We
> feel confident that with all basic structures and processes now established
> we can increase momentum moving forward.
> best,
> Ton Zijlstra
> -------------------------------------------
> Interdependent Thoughts
> Ton Zijlstra
> ton at tonzijlstra.eu
> +31-6-34489360
> http://zylstra.org/blog
> -------------------------------------------
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