[EU-lobby-data] An opportunity for funding in 2013?!? :)

Natacha Cingotti natacha.cingotti at foeeurope.org
Tue Nov 13 18:04:00 UTC 2012

Dear friends,

some exciting news I wanted to share with you. Our new fundraiser 
randomly and quite last-minute came accross a call for proposals by the 
Global Integrity and Innovation Fund about innovative tools on 
transparency and accountability. That was on friday and as you know I'm 
quite busy this week with the EU Citizens event (pray the big green 
bagel this is all over soon - anyway that's again another story).

So this is just to let you know that I wrote a concept note, which I 
submitted to our operations team late last night, basically focusing on 
the post-simple launch of our tool, saying this is a joint project, we 
are able to launch simple version but neither do anything fancy around 
it nor to ensure capacities for 2013 (including on terms of feeding in 
blog stories based on data, but also improving design, web 
development-aspect and applis as we go along etc...) I focused on 
developments from now til June 2013 (anniversary of register) arguing 
thatideally by then , you would have improved the tool and be able to 
have a second event/training with journos and a small community of 
data-driven and interested people... It's a proposal of $10,000, 
including some salary and activity costs.

Let's see what comes out of it. If that was to work, it would be great, 
as it would give us clarity on possibility for us to contract a person 
on more mid-term basis to work with us on this and allow for proper 
development of the tool, once it is launched and answer quite few of the 
question marks we had.

I thought this was exciting news to share ahead of the January launch. 
Fingers crossed!

greetings from brussels


Natacha Cingotti
Lobby transparency and corporate power
Friends of the Earth Europe
Tel: +32 2 893 10 23
Fax: +32 2 893 10 35
Skype: c_natacha
natacha.cingotti at foeeurope.org

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