[euopendata] VL: Digital Agenda Stakeholder Day, 25 October 2010

Antti Poikola antti.poikola at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 12:10:00 UTC 2010

  Hi all,

Thanks Titti and Marc for suggestions.

I shortened the Marc's text to about 800 *characters* and listed the 
other suggestions as titles here:

btw. Marc I have read your article but can't remember the four factors 
out of memory... and for some reason your link didn't work?

If you have a spare moment with a cup of coffee today, please help me to 
type in something under the empty titles.


On 23.9.2010 14:34, Marc de Vries wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I do not know whether my thoughts jotted below would qualify as 'an idea',
> but I truly think this should be on the agenda of Ms Kroes when we want to
> shape the future of PSI re-use. Could you make sure this is put to the
> attention of the Commission?
> Regards,
> Marc
> ++++
> To me accessibility is THE key element that can potentially let PSI re-use
> rock and roll. Where access to PSI will increase almost autonomously,
> accessibility will become the driver. Without proper policy hereon, there is
> hardly any point in providing access (the best place to hide a book is in
> the library).
> Like for the creation of PSI, the creation of accessibility to that PSI is
> also limited by the public task. In other words: a political decision is
> needed to what extent the provision of accessibility should be done by the
> government itself and where actually this ends and companies should step in
> to enhance the accessibility. Put differently, the government should provide
> a rock solid guarantee that it will provide a basic level of accessibility
> to PSI.
> Obviously, this guarantee needs a legal basis at EU level, otherwise nothing
> will happen and if something will happen it will eb in isolation. So, along
> the lines of the INSPIRE Directive, a European framework is needed on
> accessibility, covering also other sectors than environmental data. In fact,
> INSPIRE could be the pilot and source of inspiration here.
> Looking further ahead, it would make sense to create a regulatory framework
> where the whole life cycle of PSI is addressed. This may be a tough case
> where it concerns access (which is typically an issue where national
> governments want to stay on top and from which the Commission wants to stay
> away for sure), but for accessibility and re-use, such integration would
> make perfect sense. In other words, at some point we need to integrate the
> INSPIRE and PSI re-use Directive into a broader framework, also addressing
> the re-use 'showstoppers', being: copyright and database rights (believe me,
> these instruments were not created to protect the interests of governments).
> Concretely, to incubate the discussions hereon, I would suggest to do a
> fundamental study on the relationship between the four factors determining
> the usage value of PSI and the question whether it would make sense to
> extend the European regulatory framework, where the interests of business
> and citizens should be the yardstick (for which the EU Treaty provides a
> perfectly valid basis). This should be put on the digital agenda of Ms
> Kroes!
> Marc de Vries
> PSI re-use addict
> info at dfevriesmarc.nl
> interested in some more of my thoughts on this matter? Have a look at:
> http://www.epsiplus.net/psi_library/reports/reverse_engineering_europe_s_psi
> _re_use_rules_towards_an_integrated_conceptual_framework_for_psi_re_use
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org
> [mailto:euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org] Namens titti cimmino
> Verzonden: donderdag 23 september 2010 12:29
> Aan: Antti Poikola
> CC: EU Open Data Working Group
> Onderwerp: Re: [euopendata] VL: Digital Agenda Stakeholder Day, 25 October
> 2010
> Il giorno 23/set/2010, alle ore 10.29, Antti Poikola ha scritto:
>> Hello everybody,
> Hi
>> There is time until tomorrow. friday 24th, to leave *ideas* (max 800
> characters) related to EU Digital Agenda and I heard that especially ideas
> about the use of pen data are expected.
>> What about:
>> -EU Open Data manual ->  live document
>> -EU wide data catalogue based on ckan
> -EU Apps4Democracy where OpenData meets citizen innovation
>> ...
>>> Further to your interest in the Digital Agenda for Europe and
> participation in the recent information meeting in your country, the
> European Commission's Direct fredrik.vonessen at almega.seorate-General for
> Information Society would now like to invite you to a follow-up event
> organised to discuss how to put the new strategy into practice and how you
> can get involved.
>>> Why not propose an idea? The best ideas will get the chance to be
> presented at the conference. In particular, which initiatives do you want to
> take to implement one (or more) of the 101 Digital Agenda actions?
> Alternatively, do you have ideas or initiatives that are not directly
> covered by the listed actions, but which would contribute to meeting the
> overall aims of the Digital Agenda?
>>> Please send your contribution using the online form on the event website
> at: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/dae/2010/index_en.htm
> where you will also find all additional information.
>>> We look forward to receiving your ideas by 24 September 2010.
>>> You can also watch the conference live on the web in English, French,
> German, Italian, Spanish and Polish.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Ken Ducatel
>>> Head of Unit
>>> Unit C1, Directorate-General Information Society and Media
>>> European Commission
>>> Contact:
>>> Unit C1, Directorate-General Information Society and Media
>>> European Commission
>>> INFSO-DIGITAL-AGENDA at ec.europa.eu
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