[okfn-coord] JISC bid with University of Lincoln

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Apr 28 16:50:57 UTC 2008

On 28/04/08 17:24, Jordan S Hatcher wrote:
> On 24 Apr 2008, at 16:32, Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> Joss Winn of the University of Lincoln has invited the OKF to join  
>> a bid
>> for funding to JISC. Joss summarises the proposed project as follows:
> <SNIP>
>> Is everyone alright with the OKF proceeding with this?
> Out of curiousity -- how does this work in this context and on other  
> bids (such as the recent bid for EU funding)?
> How does OKF fulfill its role in this bid?  Does  a volunteer with an  
> OKF hat on go to a meeting or an event?

Yes, sort of. We probably wouldn't just have a general OKFN volunteer 
but someone from the Executive Group with relevant expertise. However if 
the question was: can someone who had the necessary experience put on an 
'OKF hat' and then go and do this, the the answer is yes (if it was felt 
they would be able to discharge the OKF's obligations adequately).

> What exactly is it that is being committed to?  I see that:
> "OKF will support with licensing, research and technical support."
> Is this framed as a number of days of work at a certain consulting  
> rate? Or is this more informal assistance, such as a phone chat or  
> acting as a member of steering group on the project.

This is one for Jonathan to answer but I would imagine in the bid this 
is probably left rather undefined (?).


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