[okfn-coord] Meeting with Shuttleworth Foundation tomorrow

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu May 29 14:56:18 UTC 2008

Just got off the phone with Mark Surman. I think its tricky to give a 
thumbnail of the OKF in a few minutes -  so didn't get to go into much 
detail - but he certainly sounded very interested in what we do, and is 
keen to know more and to work with us.

He welcomed us to get involved in OpenEverything in whatever capacity we 
want . I suggested we could be an official partner. It will take place 
in London this autumn. Mark Shuttleworth will come, and the organisers 
are hoping that it will make him more keen to fund more stuff in this area.

He wasn't that optimistic about the Young Foundation's involvement (they 
are currently co-organising) - saying that they'll put their name to it, 
but wasn't confident how much they 'get it'.

I think he slightly struggled with the amount of stuff that we do - but 
said he'd really like to know more about stuff we do with maps and 
timelines (Weaving History). I'll follow this up in an email.

I'll have another Skype meeting with him as soon as is convenient, and 
we'll meet in person in late June.


Rufus Pollock wrote:
> Dear Jonathan,
> Great work on getting an intro here. It will be good to raise our 
> profile with them and the topics you're suggesting seem fine. I think 
> a general pitch along the lines of Open Knowledge is the next logical 
> step from Open Source would be good. By pointing out some of the 
> oft-discussed analogies and discussing packaging-material-for-reuse 
> one can lead naturally into CKAN and the Open Shakespeare/Milton.
> ~rufus
> On 28/05/08 14:39, Jonathan Gray wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just to say I'm speaking to Mark Surman from the Shuttleworth 
>> tomorrow afternoon about becoming an official partner of OpenEverything.
>> I will also make preliminary enquiries about the possibility of 
>> getting funded by the Shuttleworth Foundation:
>>   http://www.shuttleworthfoundation.org/funding/getting-funded
>> I will also ask him about who it would be best to talk to at the 
>> Young Foundation about getting general overhead funding, and/or 
>> specific project funding, for the OKF - as they are in contact with 
>> them about OpenEverything.
>>   http://www.youngfoundation.org.uk/
>> I will enquire about:
>>  * CKAN,
>>  * Weaving History,
>>  * Where does my money go?
>>  * a project - much like the JISC bid - to develop Open Shakespeare, 
>> Open Milton and others in an educational setting alongside students 
>> and lecturers. Basically a toolkit for open resources in the humanities.
>> Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to specifically ask or 
>> talk about!
>> Jonathan

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