[okfn-coord] Where does my money go spec for 4IP

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Sep 16 19:11:32 UTC 2009

(list in cc this time)

2009/9/12 paula le dieu <paula at ledieu.org>:
> earlier is probably better than later as he will want to assess the projects
> asap. I think if we can get it back to him by the end of the week it will be
> ok.

That's quite soon! (says rufus who only flies back into the UK
tomorrow at lunchtime). A response on that document needs proper
consideration ... (one things that difficult about this project - and
something Tom Steinberg also quite rightly emphasized when we spoke --
is that the actual source data is an unknown quantity and it is hard
to say *exactly* what you plan to build (in terms of frontend) when
you don't what *exact* data you will have.)

What are we going to do re. mysociety. In particular, if we are
considering collaborating with them (which I think we are) do we not
need to check asap with 4IP about how they would feel about this.
Given that we now know the situation with mysociety, the longer we
pursue our original application the odder it will look if we then wish
to withdraw and make a joint application ...


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