[foundation-board] Board meeting next week (currently Tuesday 14th Dec)

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Mon Dec 6 09:46:46 UTC 2010

Hi All,

Our next board meeting is currently scheduled for next Tuesday (14th Dec).

Unfortunately an urgent (personal) matter has come up that means that
I probably will *not* be able to attend in person -- but I would be
able to dial-in. I'm very happy to dial-in (I'm sure others will be
doing so too) but also wondered about shifting the meeting to Thursday
(I know this might also make it easier for Jordan to make it in-person
to a London meetup).

@Paula: as the person (very kindly) booking the room: would this
change work at your end?

@All: please say asap what your preferences are.

I have also started a pad and an agenda:

signin: foundation-board at lists.okfn.org + board password

I've inlined current agenda below.


== Agenda ==

1. Review of minutes of last meetig
2. Approval of all redacted minutes
3. Report on finances (RP)
4. Report on chapters (JH, PL and RP?)

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