[foundation-board] Modelling employment costs

Jason Kitcat jason.kitcat at okfn.org
Sat Aug 20 12:44:47 UTC 2011

Dear board

Following discussions at the previous board meeting, and ones even before then, I was tasked with setting up OKF as an employer.

I now have all the national insurance numbers I need. But I don't need to register them with HMRC until 4 weeks before we actually employing people. So we need to decide if, when and who.

To that end I have modelled the costs for our existing team and pulled together some other thoughts and costs.

Please see them on the board wiki at:

The model is at:

All the best,

PS Can someone share with Ben the okfn.board at gmail.com account with Ben so he can use it to view the relevant Google Docs? I don't have the login for it myself.

Jason Kitcat
Foundation Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

+44 (0) 7956 886 508


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