[foundation-board] Omidyar Slides v0.1

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jun 2 20:31:04 UTC 2011

Tried to reflect most of these comments along with comments from
Omidyar in updated slides:


On 1 June 2011 17:42, Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rufus
> These slides look great!
> I had a few comments going through them:
> -I would consider putting CKAN first. I think OKF needs to be
> understood as a foundational element of the OKF community, and putting
> tool development first might make us look peripheral rather than
> foundational.

Hmmm. I've left as is after talking with Jonathan but hear you. My
concern is that CKAN is slightly harder to explain.

> -I'd suggest we give opendatacommons its own slide. The combination of
> CKAN and ODBL gives a good overall picture of what we mean by "tools"
> in this space.

I would like to the problem is currently a) space b) focus (i.e. we
are pitching heavily on the community side of things).

> -"Top hit on Google for WG website OpenGovernmentData.org" (slide 9)
> is a bit cryptic. Replace with "WG homepage is top hit on Google for
> "open government data""?


> -All the slides are so vibrant and eye-catching, that they make slide
> 10 look a bit bereft. Consider adding graphics?


> -I find the "..." on slide 12 confusing - are you planning on adding more here?

No the idea was this was a segue. Not sure it worked though. Have
removed one ... -- is it any better?

> -I have a couple of queries on the financial projections, which I'll
> raise in response to Jason's email about this to us - basically, all I
> want here is to be able to go into our two meetings with an account of
> how we hope to achieve these targets.


> -The metrics on the final slide are interesting - were these suggested
> by Omidyar?

Yes, sort of. I really find the metric stuff really weird since the
key ingredient of quality is missing (e.g. 15 rubbish / dysfunctional
chapters is much worse than 4 excellent ones etc etc).


> All the best
> Becky
> On 31 May 2011 18:00, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Hi Becky (and all other interested board members!),
>> Very first pass on Omidyar slides is complete:
>> <https://docs.google.com/present/edit?id=0AYn3JiuouxLUZGN0eGIzOWNfOTc0d3E2bmRi&hl=en_GB>
>> Please take a look as soon you can and let us know thoughts (you can
>> comment in notes section at the side if you wish!). Many thanks in
>> advance.
>> Rufus

Co-Founder, Open Knowledge Foundation
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