[foundation-board] Panton Fellowships operations - RFC

Laura James laura.james at okfn.org
Thu Jan 5 18:29:04 UTC 2012

To Ben's point: if it comes down to whether the fellow has other
employment or not, would it be any reassurance if we required a letter
confirming the Fellow's employment from the employing institution?

On 5 January 2012 15:49, Becky Hogge <becky.hogge at gmail.com> wrote:
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sucuEeNBaPsR5G_piK-518o_AWanX1jxTkpM3j7KZ8M/edit
> -point 18) "The OKFN is strongly committed to equal opportunities." -
> what activities do we have to undertake to live up to this statement?

We are bound by the Equality Act 2012 in recruitment in any case (
). This statement could be read as an informal equality policy, which
is something going beyond the provisions of the Act to overtly
describe the organisation's culture; I believe that is how it was

> -point 23) Change "You" to "The Fellow" for consistency?

will do

> -general - is "the board" us? Or is it some separate Fellowship board?

It is a separate board including Peter Murray-Rust; I'll make that clear.


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