[foundation-board] Swiss chapter application update

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri May 18 18:07:41 UTC 2012

On 18 May 2012 06:26, Jordan S Hatcher <jordan at opencontentlawyer.com> wrote:
> On 17 May 2012, at 21:22, Rufus Pollock wrote:
>> I think expediting a bit here would be good so if you could get in
>> touch before next Thursday that would be great!
> I am still on this list…  ;-)

I know :-) -- this was more that James had said he was going to talk
through the updates from the Board meeting and your general concerns /
thoughts (since we felt you were probably the most expert board member
around chapter stuff and someone who had played a leading role in
setting up the process we currently have in place).

> I tried to call James last night. I'm in the UK and around today at lunch, tonight, and this weekend to chat.  I reviewed the board notes on this issue, and if you have something specific to chat about the comments back from the Swiss, I can also respond by email over the next few days.

Great. I trust you saw Laura's original email in this thread which
listed the response from the Swiss chapter. The key question is are we
now happy to approve or do we need something further or have further


> Thanks
> Jordan
>> Rufus
>> On 17 May 2012 17:50, James Casbon <casbon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 17 May 2012 11:51, Laura James <laura.james at okfn.org> wrote:
>>>> As below, from 2 emails from Hannes and his team, sent in response to the
>>>> board's feedback and questions on list. I hope this helps with the Swiss
>>>> chapter application consideration and await the outcome of James's
>>>> discussion with Jordan on this point (action item from board meeting)
>>> I just realised my meeting with him is next thursday, not this
>>> thursday.  Can it wait or shall I just call him?
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> Mr. Jordan S Hatcher, JD, LLM
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