[iRail] Knowing each mobile developper.

Tim Besard tim.besard at gmail.com
Thu Sep 23 20:09:40 UTC 2010

Hi Christophe!

I'm the co-developer of the Symbian (and Maemo!) application, so you
can add me to the list.

I'll edit the other answers below, inline.

2010/9/23 Christophe Versieux <christophe.versieux at gmail.com>:
> Hello all.
> I would just like to ask everybody a few questions about the work on the
> different Mobile clients for iRail.
> I have really no idea on who is working on what!
> So here is a little form that you may fill with all info you need.
> For people that I already know, I won't fill your email adress because if
> you have many accounts, I don't know which one you prefer to use with iRail.
> Feel free to fill it and reply with all the info, there are too much "?"
> You meet a lot of dev's on BarCamp and other meeting, so I cannot believe
> there are not more people in this list.
> Current Mobile OS supported:
> Android - BETrains => Christophe Versieux (Christophe.versieux at gmail.com)
> and Jan Vansteenlandt
> Future Mobile OS supported:
> iPhone: Louis de Decker and ?
> Symbian: Pieter Colpaert
Main development is on Maemo richt now, but that should be
cross-compatible with Symbian. And in a later stadium Meego as well!

> Bada: Johan ( Christophe schoolmate)
> Windows Mobile: -someone posted a screenshot with the beginning of an app
> that showed the closest station around you who whas that?-
> BlackBerry: - No info yet -
> Palm/WebOS: -No info Yet-
> General question
> * Are you working on your own client or would you like to work with me on an
> unified UI + application Name? - to be defined-
I'll definitely support a unified user-interface and common
application name, which is a very important "marketing point" IMO.
However, I think the best way to realize such a unified GUI is to
create a set of guidelines; as well as develop a set of resources to
use (I'm thinking: icons, etc). So it'll still be our "own" client,
but I guess this is what you had in mind already :)

> * Would you like to integrate the "chat" system to you OS?
Sure, but it won't be a priority for me (maybe Pieter has more
interest in this). Personally I think it would be better to focus on
our current goals (being iRail, limited to what we discussed at 0x20
last week), and make the extra functionality like the chat (and other
things we discussed, such as other ways of public transport, or
comparison between car and public transport, etc) a feature of the
next project ("iTransport"? ^^).


> Thank a lot for the info
> Cheers
> Christophe
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