[iRail] Translation platform

Pieter Colpaert pieter.colpaert at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 13:58:19 UTC 2012

Hi Tim and list,

Great work! This is a great tool to provide translations!

Sacha, wouldn't it be nice if we could get First Sight on this as well?



On 01/15/2012 04:14 PM, Tim Besard wrote:
> Hi list,
> I've set-up a Transifex project for iRail-related translation efforts
> [0] and uploaded a few of my applications as well as the iRail mobile
> site to it. For those new to Transifex: it's an open-source
> translation platform with an easy-to-use web interface to
> submit/review/manage translations. I think it would be valuable to
> have some extra eyes on some of the translations (my high-school
> French is pretty rusty), and using Transifex makes that way easier.
> Any of the application developers find this useful? If so, create
> yourself a Transifex account and reply to this mail, I'll make you a
> maintainer of the iRail Transifex project after which you can upload
> your application resources and any existing translations (have a look
> at the relevant part of the documentation [1]).
> In order to sync the Transifex strings with those in your local
> project (which you could do manually by going to the resource page and
> downloading all the language files), you can use the Transifex client
> which makes it easy to push sources and pull translations from the
> Transifex servers. If you want to do this, have a look at the web
> client [2] where I've configured the Transifex client (.tx folder) and
> detailed the syncing process (README.md).
> However, we also need translators! Transifex manages these in
> "language teams", and grants people in them the right to modify and
> review translations in that language. If you are sufficiently fluent
> in a certain language and want to help out, create an account and join
> a language team [3]. If you want to be a team coordinator (responsible
> for accepting join requests, translation review requests, ... nothing
> time consuming), drop me a note.
> Tim
> 0: https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/irail
> 1: http://help.transifex.net/intro/projects.html#resources
> 2: https://github.com/iRail/WebClient
> 3: https://www.transifex.net/projects/p/irail/teams/
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