[kforge-dev] Changeset [1016]: Fixed issues with failing trac tests. ...

10: Timeline admin at okfn.org
Fri Oct 6 15:39:42 UTC 2006

Fixed issues with failing trac tests. 

Had two failures both attributable to failure to verify that a user was a trac admin user: 

FAIL: test_AddAdminUser (kforge.plugin.trac.commandtest.[TestTracCommands?][1]) FAIL: test_onTracProjectUpdate (kforge.plugin.tractest.[TestTracComplex?][2]) 

Interestingly this failure did not occur on my development machine (macosx+trac-0.9.4) but did occur on the test machine (ubuntu+trac-0.9.3). Failures were tracked to a combination of a coding error and a bug in trac (list action and user in wrong columns). Fix: 

  * src/kforge/plugin/trac/command.py 

    * improved log message on error (also fixed bug that had not been noticed) 
    * change 'trac-admin permission list <user-name> TRAC_ADMIN' to 'trac-admin permission list' 

    [1]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/wiki/TestTracCommands
    [2]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/wiki/TestTracComplex

URL: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/kforge/trac/changeset/1016

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