[kforge-dev] Changeset [40]: ticket:29 (improve ckan installation process) completed. ...

28: Timeline admin at okfn.org
Mon Sep 4 12:15:18 UTC 2006

[ticket:29][1] (improve ckan installation process) completed. 

  * INSTALL: wrote full installation instructions (previously this file was practically empty) 
  * src/ckan/cli/admin.py: significant changes 

    * got rid of calls to unimplemented code and replaced by 'Method not implemented' 
    * rewrote buildApacheConfig to use http.conf.new template doing substitution with system dictionary 
    * createAboutMessage: minor change which allowed removal of getSystemVersion and getSystemName methods 

  * bin/ckan-admin: set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE to correct ckan path before running anything 
  * etc/ckan.conf.new: deleted all irrelevant stuff left over from kforge and modified values and comments for media_root and django.templates 
  * etc/http.conf.new: minor (removed left-over commented out code) 

    [1]: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/ckan/trac/ticket/29 (Improve installation process (closed))

URL: http://project.knowledgeforge.net/ckan/trac/changeset/40

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