[kforge-dev] Re: kforge

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Apr 20 16:13:44 UTC 2007

Yes that would be great. I've been thinking about making a 0.12.1 
release (or even a 0.13 release) quite a bit over the last month as 
there are several changes/improvements since 0.12 in January that should 
go into a public release. Would some time next week be possible?


John Bywater wrote:
> Hey Rufus,
> There have been quite a lot of changes to domainmodel from the other 
> projects, so I'm sure KForge needs some attention.
> I'm getting a few errors when I run the KForge tests, which I haven't 
> for a little while.
> Would you like to meet up for a couple of hours to fix things up?
> Best wishes,
> John.

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