[kforge-dev] proxys and KForge/svn - was: Re: [knowledgeforge-user] Multivariate Statistics Notes/Book

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Tue Apr 7 11:08:54 UTC 2009

Hi Paul,

Just regarding the proxy issue you mentioned, which I've also 
experienced. Running Subversion through HTTP involves the HTTP 
extensions of DAV. So if there's a proxy involved that doesn't support 
DAV, many of the Subversion commands don't go through.

However, proxying Subversion through HTTP servers that do support DAV 
seems to work fine. I just set up a reverse proxy to do just this, and 
it's seems to be working just fine.

Best wishes,


Paul Hewson wrote:
> Hello,
> Yes it's working now.   Many thanks.
> I think the "new" problem I've been having was that I didn't try to / 
> couldn't run svn update -- I'm reasonably that's something to do with 
> my workplace proxy server as it's just worked fine from a local cafe, 
> and so has the commit.
> FWIW, on this machine I'm using svn 1.56.   In future though I shall 
> do this entirely from my home PC (I use some longwinded paths to image 
> files, and wanted to try it on another machine to make sure the latex 
> compiled properly).
> Best wishes
> Paul

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