[kforge-dev] Re: [kforge-user] Newbie here - howto config using sqlite?

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Wed Jan 17 15:53:49 UTC 2007

Neal Becker wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.  I'm not ready to work on development of kforge at this 
> point because I don't even know anything about it yet.  I just wanted to play 
> around with it and see if I liked it.  But, I don't want to have to setup 
> (yet another) database for that.  I'm already annoyed enough that I had to 
> run mysql and learn a few basics of that in order to play with a number of 
> other web-related apps.

I quite understand Neal -- my database of choice is postgres and it 
always annoys when I discover some app I want to use makes me install 
mysql or whatever other database it is. By the way, I don't know whether 
you saw already, but if you just want to see what a running KForge 
system looks like and how it works there is a demo installation at:


> If nobody else tries it, and if I get really bored, I will give it a try - but 
> honestly I'd rather find out if I like it before investing a lot of time into 
> it.

I've committed the patch similar to the one suggested in a previous mail 
but obviously that will only be available in subversion until we make 
the next official release.



PS: in another email you were talking about support for hg repositories. 
I have to say I hadn't looked at hg much until you mentioned it. As I 
understand it is a decentralized VCS. As I understand it (and I don't 
know a lot about these types of VCS) everyone has their own repository. 
If that how does the access control/project membership stuff provided by 
KForge help you out? Pardon my ignorance here but I'd be very interested 
to know -- and it would obviously provide some motivation for 
implementing that support.

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