[kforge-dev] Re: [kforge-user] Newbie here - howto config using sqlite?

Neal Becker ndbecker2 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 17 16:02:54 UTC 2007

> PS: in another email you were talking about support for hg repositories.
> I have to say I hadn't looked at hg much until you mentioned it. As I
> understand it is a decentralized VCS. As I understand it (and I don't
> know a lot about these types of VCS) everyone has their own repository.
> If that how does the access control/project membership stuff provided by
> KForge help you out? Pardon my ignorance here but I'd be very interested
> to know -- and it would obviously provide some motivation for
> implementing that support.

You raise an interesting question here.  I believe that the mercurial (hg) 
experts could answer this better than myself, so I hope you don't mind that 
I'm forwarding this question to hg-devel list (which I access via gmane 

BTW, do I understand correctly that kforge is similar to 'trac'? (which 
already has some support for hg)

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