[kforge-user] [bug 0.14] Upgrade issue

Nicolas Steinmetz nsteinmetz at gmail.com
Thu Oct 4 11:31:11 UTC 2007

Rufus Pollock a écrit :

> A semi-bug! If you check there were no upgrade instructions for 0.13 to 
> 0.14. This was because there was no need to upgrade the db or the data
> here (just upgrade the data files would be enough). However the old 
> upgrade code was being run if you did: kforge-admin upgrade db. I've now 
> fixed instructons in UPGRADE as well as in code and committed the 
> changes (both to svn and to pypi etc).

Ok. Works well now for this.

But I have a bug (mail is coming)
Nicolas Steinmetz - http://www.unelectronlibre.info/

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