[MyData & Open Data] The value of data

Erik Josefsson erik.hjalmar.josefsson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 24 18:13:37 UTC 2013

On 12/24/2013 05:34 PM, Lancelot PECQUET (Will Strategy) wrote:
> The project will discuss the relevant usage of (open, big, personal,
> etc.) data in the private and
> public sectors and limits that should not be trespassed, in particular
> for sound business / economical
> reasons (NB : but we can handle freedom and ethics arguments too).

Moglen says: "I would urge you also to consider that privacy is an
ecological rather than a transactional substance."

So the "new oil" fracking industry are going to gather to talk about
"limits that should not be trespassed"?

Sorry for the reference:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/fracking-industry

> Please let me know if you have existing references on the subject or
> want to participate in some way,

I'd love to participate.

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