[MyData & Open Data] [open-government] Examples of dates of birth being published as part of the public record?

Anna Kuliberda anna.kuliberda at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 12:53:10 UTC 2013

Hi Jonathan,
In Poland all the people who are requested to submit the official
Declarations of income and assets need to fill in the space for year of
birth. You cansee the official template here:
you can find out more on who is required and whose declarations are
disclosed to the public here:

The public disclosure means obligation of uploading yearly the declarations
on the Public Information Bulletin (BIP) website of the public
administration body relevant for the given person. This doesn't mean
however that the data is open, because most of the declaration is
handwritten (nobody knows why, there is no obligation for it) and then
scanned and uploaded as a bitmap. (like in the MEP Adam Bielan's
Only the declarations of MPs and MEPs were digitalized by a NGO Association
61 on their I have the right to know project <http://mamprawowiedziec.pl/>.
Example here: http://mamprawowiedziec.pl/strona/polityk/22389/informacje (a
MP website) ->
digitalized declaration from 2009-2011 with the birth day in the third
top cell).


Anna Kuliberda
anna.kuliberda at gmail.com
+48 793 021 636
twitter: @adrebiluka <http://twitter.com/#%21/adrebiluka>
skype: anna_kuliberda

On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Jonathan Gray <jonathan.gray at okfn.org>wrote:

> I was wondering whether anyone might know of any examples of where
> personal information about living persons - such as dates of birth - have
> been published as part of the public record by public sector bodies?
> For example in relation to interest, lobby or political registries?
> While generally personal information needs to be carefully protected, we'd
> be interested to hear of examples of where there might be broader public
> interest arguments or exceptions for publishing this kind of data.
> All the best,
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Director of Policy and Ideas  | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*
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