[MyData & Open Data] article29 dp working party: Opinion 05/2014 on Anonymisation Techniques

stef s at ctrlc.hu
Mon Apr 28 18:10:17 UTC 2014

howdy, excellent intro and assessment of anonymization techniques and their
known weaknesses:

some key points:

> ... not only means the possibility of retrieving a
> person's name and/or address, but also includes potential
> identifiability by singling out, linkability and inference.

pseudonymised data
> ... cannot be equated to anonymised information as they
> continue to allow an individual data subject to be singled out and
> linkable across different data sets . Pseudonymity is likely to allow
> for identifiability, and therefore stays inside the scope of the legal
> regime of data protection. This is especially relevant in the context
> of scientific, statistical or historical research.

page 11 explains singling out, linkability and inference.

the theme is that there is no silver bullet, and gives good examples
for vulnerability of each technique.

otr fp: https://www.ctrlc.hu/~stef/otr.txt

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