[MyData & Open Data] existing legal frameworks of biometrics

Walter van Holst walter.van.holst at xs4all.nl
Fri Apr 4 15:24:21 UTC 2014

On 04/04/2014 17:12, Antti Jogi Poikola wrote:
> Suggestion: My data is a subset of personal data - the term My Data
> underlines ownership or at least access to my personal data.
> In all cases of personal data this ownership question is not clear
> (i.e. the photo example), but in many cases data subjects should have
> access / ownership to their personal data in machine readable form and
> My Data term underlines that cause.

I'm sorry. The ownership of data bears zero relevance to your right to
access to your personal data. The latter is not unqualified in that it
is not an absolute one, but under the Data Protection Directive you have
it as a default rule.

Moreover, it is property rights on data that is an unclear territory in
law compared to access rights to personal data. Your position only
underlines that concepts of ownership makes it all murkier, not clearer.



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