[MyData & Open Data] Swedish Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board scrutinizes Google cloud services to host students data

Mattias mattias at okfn.se
Thu Mar 6 21:07:04 UTC 2014

On 06/03/14 21:09, Sally Deffor wrote:
> [quote snipped] Actually I haven't heard of any but I would imagine
> that there are, we would just need to find those as they are important
> considerations when developing  the key data principles on this project.
@Sally OK. I could look more in to that. In general I think we should
look for if there are any laws or rules in different countries that
could lay a good foundation for key data principles on this project.
> Regarding the question about the hackpad, do you mean the pre-festival
> planning etherpad (http://pad.okfn.org/p/OKFestival_Meetups)?
@Sally No I mean
I might be speaking only for myself but as a privacy-enthusiast it feels
contradictory to work there when it features multiple cookies & trackers
from: google-analytics, facebook, mxnpnl and more.
> Well, we haven't figured out yet whether any of our proposed
> activities would be a  pre-event, if it is we would migrate it to the
> etherpad, but for now we are still using the WG hackpad
> (https://privacyatokfest14.hackpad.com/Privacy-at-OKFestival-14-pGhPWAiQPIQ).
@Sally I took the freedom to migrate it now to
- Join me, we got privacy covered! ;)
> Cheers,
> Sally
> On 6 March 2014 15:34, Mattias <mattias at okfn.se
> <mailto:mattias at okfn.se>> wrote:
>     On 06/03/14 10:22, Sally Deffor wrote:
>>     Hi Mattias,
>>     [quote snipped]
>>     I thought it would be particularly interesting to see, (with the
>>     Swedish Personal Data Act being 15yrs), whether any special
>>     principles have been included/changed that take account of third
>>     party access in relation to opening up personal data.
>     That is an interesting point. Have you heard of any such
>     principles before? In this case it seems like it is conflicting
>     with the PUL (Personal Data Law) from 1998 which aims to protect
>     citizens from exactly the situations that the data seem to end up
>     in with the case of Google storage services.
>     I could try to get in touch with them when I have time and see
>     what they say about this case. I agree this is interesting,
>     whether this PUL-law is unique or actually just enforced harder by
>     the Oversight Board.
>     By the way have you migrated the MyData hackpad to OKFN-pad yet?
>     Best,
>     Mattias
>>     Best,
>>     Sally
>>     On 5 March 2014 19:23, Mattias <mattias at okfn.se
>>     <mailto:mattias at okfn.se>> wrote:
>>         Hello MyData-list,
>>         Something similar to what Lancelot posted happens in Sweden.
>>         The equivalent to the  Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight
>>         Board (Datainspektionen) are scrutinizing the use of Google
>>         Apps for Education in public schools. Because of conflict
>>         with privacy law.
>>         This is not the first time that the Oversight Board says no
>>         to Google Apps. it's been highlighted in other cases,
>>         reported by IT-media globally before.
>>         Best regards,
>>         Mattias
>>         OKFN Sweden
>>         Community Manager
>>         This case: (Swedish)
>>         http://www.datainspektionen.se/press/nyheter/2014/datainspektionen-granskar-malmo-skolors-molntjanster/
>>         Earlier examples (EN):
>>         http://www.thelocal.se/20130917/50288
>>         http://thenextweb.com/google/2013/06/14/sweden-google-data-protection/
>>         http://www.zdnet.com/sweden-tells-council-to-stop-using-google-apps-7000016850/
>>         http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9239931/Swedish_regulator_rejects_city_s_Google_Apps_deal
>>         (SV)
>>         http://www.datainspektionen.se/Documents/beslut/2011-09-30-salems-kommun.pdf
>>         http://www.datainspektionen.se/press/nyheter/2013/fortsatt-nej-for-kommun-att-anvanda-molntjanst/
>>         On 08/02/14 10:12, Lancelot PECQUET wrote:
>>>         Hi,
>>>         Interesting news in France: Google was fined by the
>>>         "Commission Nationale Informatique & Libertés"
>>>         (French equivalent of the Privacy and Civil Liberties
>>>         Oversight Board) but, more interestingly, demanded
>>>         to display its sentence on google.fr <http://google.fr> (cf.
>>>         attachment), in large fonts.
>>>         Best,
>>>         L
>>>         -- 
>>>         Lancelot PECQUET - http://lancelot.pecquet.org -
>>>         @LancelotPecquet <http://twitter.com/LancelotPecquet>
>>>         _______________________________________________
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>>>         mydata-open-data at lists.okfn.org <mailto:mydata-open-data at lists.okfn.org>
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>>         mydata-open-data mailing list
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>>     -- 
>>     *Sally Deffor
>>     Open Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
>>     | @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 <tel:%2B44%20%280%297774%20734206>
>>     The **Open Knowledge Foundation* <http://okfn.org/>
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> -- 
> *Sally Deffor
> Open Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
> | @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206
> The **Open Knowledge Foundation* <http://okfn.org/>
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