[MyData & Open Data] Swedish Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board scrutinizes Google cloud services to host students data

Sally Deffor sally.deffor at okfn.org
Thu Mar 6 20:09:10 UTC 2014

Hi Mattias,

Actually I haven't heard of any but I would imagine that there are, we
would just need to find those as they are important considerations when
developing  the key data principles on this project.

Regarding the question about the hackpad, do you mean the pre-festival
planning etherpad (http://pad.okfn.org/p/OKFestival_Meetups)?

Well, we haven't figured out yet whether any of our proposed activities
would be a  pre-event, if it is we would migrate it to the etherpad, but
for now we are still using the WG hackpad (



On 6 March 2014 15:34, Mattias <mattias at okfn.se> wrote:

>  On 06/03/14 10:22, Sally Deffor wrote:
> Hi Mattias,
> [quote snipped]
> I thought it would be particularly interesting to see, (with the Swedish
> Personal Data Act being 15yrs), whether any special principles have been
> included/changed that take account of third party access in relation to
> opening up personal data.
> That is an interesting point. Have you heard of any such principles
> before? In this case it seems like it is conflicting with the PUL (Personal
> Data Law) from 1998 which aims to protect citizens from exactly the
> situations that the data seem to end up in with the case of Google storage
> services.
> I could try to get in touch with them when I have time and see what they
> say about this case. I agree this is interesting, whether this PUL-law is
> unique or actually just enforced harder by the Oversight Board.
> By the way have you migrated the MyData hackpad to OKFN-pad yet?
> Best,
> Mattias
>  Best,
> Sally
> On 5 March 2014 19:23, Mattias <mattias at okfn.se> wrote:
>>  Hello MyData-list,
>> Something similar to what Lancelot posted happens in Sweden. The
>> equivalent to the  Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
>> (Datainspektionen) are scrutinizing the use of Google Apps for Education in
>> public schools. Because of conflict with privacy law.
>> This is not the first time that the Oversight Board says no to Google
>> Apps. it's been highlighted in other cases, reported by IT-media globally
>> before.
>> Best regards,
>> Mattias
>> OKFN Sweden
>> Community Manager
>> This case: (Swedish)
>> http://www.datainspektionen.se/press/nyheter/2014/datainspektionen-granskar-malmo-skolors-molntjanster/
>> Earlier examples (EN):
>> http://www.thelocal.se/20130917/50288
>> http://thenextweb.com/google/2013/06/14/sweden-google-data-protection/
>> http://www.zdnet.com/sweden-tells-council-to-stop-using-google-apps-7000016850/
>> http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9239931/Swedish_regulator_rejects_city_s_Google_Apps_deal
>> (SV)
>> http://www.datainspektionen.se/Documents/beslut/2011-09-30-salems-kommun.pdf
>> http://www.datainspektionen.se/press/nyheter/2013/fortsatt-nej-for-kommun-att-anvanda-molntjanst/
>> On 08/02/14 10:12, Lancelot PECQUET wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Interesting news in France: Google was fined by the "Commission Nationale
>> Informatique & Libertés"
>> (French equivalent of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board)
>> but, more interestingly, demanded
>> to display its sentence on google.fr (cf. attachment), in large fonts.
>> Best,
>> L
>>  --
>>  Lancelot PECQUET - http://lancelot.pecquet.org - @LancelotPecquet<http://twitter.com/LancelotPecquet>
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> *Sally Deffor Open Data & Privacy Project Coordinator |
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*Sally DefforOpen Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase
| @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206 The **Open Knowledge

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