[MyData & Open Data] Personal data & privacy logo

Antti Jogi Poikola antti.poikola at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 12:53:44 UTC 2014


On 23 October 2014 14:25, stef <s at ctrlc.hu> wrote:

> the fallacy and danger in this reasoning, that you implicitly legitimise
> the
> kraakens to collect your data. if we do go for privacy/personal data, then
> this
> data you want to use yourself does not exist.

I completely agree that currently there are way too much data collected
from/about us, but to be honest I can not realistically imagine the future
where no personal data what so ever would be collected at all. There for
the approach that the personal data which someone collects should be
accessible and usable for the data subject is important. This would create
transparency to the personal data processing landscape and also teach
people "data and privacy literacy".

It is good to take seriously the danger that you mention. Still I think it
is reasonable to develop right ways to manage and organize personal data
instead of only stating that all personal data collection is bad and should
not happen.


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