[MyData & Open Data] Catalonia to sell "anonymised" medical records

Gemma Galdon Clavell gemma at eticasconsulting.com
Thu Apr 2 10:16:23 UTC 2015

Dear all,

As you can see below, the Catalan government has agree to sell medical
records. A PIA was conducted by the regional DPA and there should be a CPO,
but the initiative has been launched despite the opposition from Parliament
and info on the implementation of the PIA recommendations is not available.

I raised some of the issues in El País last year
and this led the Parliament to position itself against the initiative. But
the government has decided to move ahead anyway.

Any 'noise' you can make about this issue will be greatly appreciated.
While I think that Big Data carries a lot of potential in the field of
heath, without robust pseudonimity (hashing is clearly not enough),
transparency and guarantees this is and extremely irresponsible move.

Kind regards,

*Gemma G. Clavell*, PhD
Eticas Research & Consulting
C/ Ferlandina 49 (08001 Barcelona) / Reloj 2 (28770 Madrid)
+34 936 005 400 - www.eticasconsulting.com - @eticasconsult

On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 12:07 PM, Javier Ruiz <javier at openrightsgroup.org>

> HI, sorry it is only in Spanish.
> Catalonian authorities agree to sell medical records to researchers
> despite a vote by the regional Parliament to stop the project.
> http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2015/04/01/actualidad/1427892067_062214.html
> Catalonian data protection authorities and academics had raised concerns
> about anonymisation in the context of big data.
> http://ccaa.elpais.com/ccaa/2014/11/01/catalunya/1414870966_992102.html
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