[MyData & Open Data] Wrapping up the open data & privacy project
Sam Smith
s at msmith.net
Wed Feb 25 14:21:45 UTC 2015
Sally, the best of luck for your future endeavours in whatever field you choose to move on to. On behalf of the active and inactive members of the list, thank you to both yourself and Javier for your regular inputs to the group, and also thanks to the OSF who funded your year of work. I'm sure everyone appreciates that the project met funded deliverables into which no one involved had design input.
For everyone else, I understand okfn will be having a period of reflection before doing anything else in this area, and that, at least to the best of good intentions of those who still remain, any replacement project will not be approached in the same process as this one was. This group will continue to exist, and we can now begin to consider what useful and worthwhile contribution we can make in an area and discussions about which we are all interested.
The UK is about to get distracted by a general election for 10 weeks or so, but once that has passed, I suspect there’ll be an environment in new aspects of “open” become important and new ways to invade privacy are conceived, wrapped in the good intentions of a caring bureaucracy.
Things should start to get interesting around here.
as ever,
> On 25 Feb 02015, at 08:56, Sally Deffor <sally.deffor at okfn.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Hope you are all doing great. A quick update to say that the Open Data & Privacy project which we have been implementing jointly with ORG over the past year ends at the end of this month (as the grant runs out). I'll no longer be with Open Knowledge but various other team members will be keeping an eye on different aspects of the project, so after Friday feel free to reach out to katelyn.rogers at okfn.org if you have questions.
> I must say a huge thanks to all of you for your immense contributions on this list, via personal emails or even in person. This project was essentially a great opportunity for learning for us as an org (and me especially in an individual capacity), so thanks for the important role that you played in making it happen. I have shared some of thoughts from the project reports in this blog post (http://personal-data.okfn.org/2015/02/25/looking-back-our-year-in-open-data-and-privacy-work/) and some of you might find some of the insights useful.
> I will of course still be on this list (using sdeffor at gmail.com) and other open knowledge lists so I'm sure our paths will cross again in cyberspace if not in person!
> Best of luck to you all.
> Sally
> --
> Sally Deffor
> Open Data & Privacy Project Coordinator | skype:deffor.selase | @SDeffor | +44 (0)7774 734206
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