[od-discuss] A Chair for the Open Definition Advisory Council

Mike Linksvayer ml at gondwanaland.com
Thu Dec 5 17:59:27 UTC 2013

On 11/15/2012 03:07 AM, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> I think everyone has now had a chance to voice their views. With no
> objections and several strong endorsements I think we can say that Mike
> is hereby appointed as Chair!

2013 is almost over, and I'm happy to report that Herb Lainchbury has
expressed willingness to serve as chair for 2014. Continuing in last
year's tradition, I propose Herb as chair, and encourage anyone to voice
their views.

A big +1 from me to start with -- Herb has been very even-handed,
knowledgeable, and active on the AC, and will make a great chair!


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