[od-discuss] v2 - use

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Apr 1 10:01:04 UTC 2014

On 30 March 2014 21:50, Herb Lainchbury <herb.lainchbury at gmail.com> wrote:

> We could turn the former "fields of endeavour" text into a comment to make
> it clearer:
> 1.1.1 Use
> The license must allow the use of the licensed work.
> 1.1.6 Impartiality
> The license must treat all persons or groups of persons equally.
> 1.1.8 Application to Any Purpose
> The license must allow use, redistribution, modification and compilation,
> by any person or group of persons, for any purpose.
> Comment:
> The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the work in a
> specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the work from
> being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.
> Comment: The major intention of this clause is to prohibit license traps
> that prevent open material from being used commercially. We want commercial
> users to join our community, not feel excluded from it.
> Comment: this is adapted from item 6 of the OSD.

Sounds good.

> ----
> "I also wonder re-reading now whether we need something about charging in
> the license section"
> I think it does make sense to add another condition in the license section
> about charging.
> Here is my first attempt.  note: It doesn't allow for "reasonable
> reproduction costs" as 1.x does.  I can't think of a reason to leave that
> door open, nor can I think of an current example of open data were the
> publisher charges.  Would be happy to hear about examples that mean that
> this allowance should be left in.

I think we could allow reasonable reproduction costs still - though with
the indication about downloading over the internet for free. The logic here
is that very large datasets could have some cost and as long as only
*reproduction* cost is asked for I think there isn't an issue here.

> 1.1.x Gratis
> The license must not impose any fee arrangements, compensation or monetary
> remuneration as part of it's conditions.


1.1.x No Charge

The license must not impose any fee arrangements, compensation or monetary
remuneration as part of it's conditions. The only charge that may be made
is for any one-off reproduction cost, in the common case of downloading
over the internet the this cost would normally be zero.


> Herb
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>wrote:
>> Hmmm. I'm not sure here. I think it might be good to keep item 1 really
>> simple and just say use and then reserve for any purpose to 1.1.8 (where we
>> can also be super clear about commercial being ok in the comment or text).
>> I also wonder re-reading now whether we need something about charging in
>> the license section (I know we have it in access) but is also a key aspect
>> of the license (i.e. license cannot impose any fee arrangement as part of
>> its conditions).
>> Rufus
>> On Tuesday, 25 March 2014, Herb Lainchbury <herb.lainchbury at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> In my previous note:
>>> https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/od-discuss/2014-March/000807.html
>>> I mentioned that I think there is some redundancy in the v2 conditions,
>>> which I would consider eliminating if it makes sense.
>>> Specifically, condition 1.1.1 states:
>>> 1.1.1 Use
>>> The license must allow the use of the licensed work for any purpose.
>>> and condition 1.1.6 states:
>>> 1.1.6 Impartiality
>>> The license must treat all persons or groups of persons equally.
>>> while condition 1.1.8 states:
>>> 1.1.8 Application to Any Purpose
>>> The license must allow use, redistribution, modification and
>>> compilation, by any person or group of persons, for any purpose. These
>>> rights must apply independently of other legal agreements, without any
>>> obligation to agree to additional terms.
>>> It seems to me that the first line of 1.1.8 is simply a combination of
>>> 1.1.1 and 1.1.6.  I like having them as separate items rather than a
>>> combination as it makes it easier to test a license for conformance and
>>> easier to be specific on what's wrong in the case of non-conformance.
>>> I believe the second line of 1.1.8 is new.
>>> Does this seem correct to others?  Is the first line in fact redundant?
>>>  Is the second new?
>>> If so, I recommend we remove 1.1.8 and move the new line to the "ideas"
>>> document for later consideration.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> --
>>> Herb
>> --
>> * Rufus Pollock Founder and CEO | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
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> --
> Herb Lainchbury
> Dynamic Solutions Inc.
> www.dynamic-solutions.com
> http://twitter.com/herblainchbury


*Rufus PollockFounder and CEO | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
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