[od-discuss] Open Definition Telecon 15:00 UTC Thursday 2014-04-10

Herb Lainchbury herb at dynamic-solutions.com
Fri Apr 4 04:24:30 UTC 2014

Hello All,

Our next meeting is next Thursday the 10th of April 2014.

Edit agenda and notes at
current state copied below


10th April 2014
Note previous call agenda and notes are at:

# Logistics

* Join call at - http://goo.gl/uRIVb7
* 15:00 UTC - look up yours at
* Calls are 2nd Thursday of even months at 1500 UTC

# Agenda
* Status of action items from previous meeting
* OD 2.0 progress report and discussion
* Discussion of Japanese translation suggestions submitted by ishikawa
* OKFest meeting

### Actions carried forward from Last Meeting
[Andrew] Section 4.1 review and then email the list
[Herb] Section 3.1 + 3.2 review and update (then email the list)
[Mike] Conformance process (recommendations)
[Andrew] ping potential PhDs re being "Open Definition Secretary" and
overseeing license review process (checking on new licenses coming in,
emailing the list, doing a first pass check (optional))
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