[od-discuss] Open Definition Telecon 15:00 UTC Thursday 2014-02-13

Herb Lainchbury herb at dynamic-solutions.com
Thu Feb 13 14:57:29 UTC 2014

Here is a link for the hangout: http://goo.gl/uRIVb7

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 5:42 PM, Herb Lainchbury
<herb at dynamic-solutions.com>wrote:

> My apologies.  I have made an error in the time zone calculations in my
> previous notice.
> Here is the correction:
> * 15:00 UTC -- 07:00 California, 15:00 UK ... look up yours at
> http://www.worldtimeserver.com/convert_time_in_UTC.aspx?y=2014&mo=2&d=13&h=15&mn=0
> * Calls are 2nd Thursday of even months at 15:00 UTC
> Herb
> On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:39 AM, Herb Lainchbury <
> herb at dynamic-solutions.com> wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> Our next meeting is next Thursday the 13th of February 2014.
>> Edit agenda and notes at
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t1_2_T-PeprvkLVwum5fY-od1hecUowFwaRvuQwDLNw
>> current state copied below
>> ----------------------------
>> 13th February 2014
>> Note previous call agenda and notes are at
>> http://opendefinition.org/2013/12/13/notes-from-open-definition-call-december-2013/
>> #Logistics
>> * Join call at (Rufus to provide link for Google Hangout, which will
>> accommodate 15 people) -
>> * 15:00 UTC -- 0800 California, 1600 UK ... look up yours at
>> http://www.worldtimeserver.com/convert_time_in_UTC.aspx?y=2013&mo=10&d=10&h=15&mn=0
>> * Calls are 2nd Thursday of even months at 1500 UTC
>> Present
>> *
>> #Agenda
>> * goals for 2014
>> * review status of OD 2.0 as I feel we've not had sufficient time to
>> discuss.  we'll have to try to keep this high level as it's easy to get
>> stuck in the details, which may be better discussed on the list.
>>    * heading review - Herb
>>    * intro - Mike
>>    * do we know what's missing / problematic areas / areas of agreement?
>>    * next steps?
>> * I would like a discussion of ideas around non-proliferation of
>> Licenses.  Is the OD 2.0 expected to address this?  Is there something else
>> we can be doing (refine the process, make it available to publishers).
>> * do we want to continue to hold off on further license decisions until
>> OD 2.0 is published?  (BC and AB)
>> --
>> Herb
> --
> Herb Lainchbury, Dynamic Solutions
> 250.704.6154
> http://www.dynamic-solutions.com


Herb Lainchbury, Dynamic Solutions
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