[od-discuss] Links to OGLs for Norway

Gisle Hannemyr gisle at ifi.uio.no
Thu Jun 11 08:13:53 UTC 2015

On 2015-06-11 07:16, Mike Linksvayer wrote:
> I meant ones that call themselves OGL, should have said that.

OK.  Just ignore it then.

FYI - the name of this license (when translated to English) is:

   "Licence for Open Government Data"

The LfOGD has been created by, and is overseen by, a branch of
the Norwegian government  known as the "Agency for Public
Management and eGovernment" that is part of the "Ministry of
Government Administration and Reform".

I am puzzled that your list should be restricted to those that
are *named* precisely "Open Government Licence". English is not
my first language, but my initial reaction to the phrase
"Open Government Licence" is that has nothing to do with open
government data, but instead is license to practice open
government (in the same sense that a "Drivers License" is
license to drive). - and that "Licence for Open Government Data"
would convey what I presume is what is really *meant* by OGL
equally well.

But if this is not the case, I would also be interested in
learning semantic or material differences between a:

   Licence for Open Government Data

and a:

   Open Government Licence

- gisle hannemyr [ gisle{at}hannemyr.no - http://folk.uio.no/gisle/ ]
    "Don't follow leaders // Watch the parkin' meters" - Bob Dylan

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