[ogdcamp] Who wants to run an OGDCamp satellite event around 17-26th October in Warsaw?
Paul Suijkerbuijk
paul.suijkerbuijk at ictu.nl
Thu Aug 25 15:29:52 UTC 2011
Hi Daniel,
I have been thinking about this and I would like to suggest that we keep the portal project managers open, I don't think there is much reason to make this "invite only" On the other hand the policy makers session could be "invite only" for the reasons mentioned by you.
Although I would like to send out an invitation for both sessions.
Jonathan has set up an email list for the portal project managers.. I have to find out who is on this list already…
Groeten Paul
Op 22 aug. 2011, om 21:14 heeft Daniel Dietrich het volgende geschreven:
Hi PAul
Good to hear from you again and many thanks for your suggestions!
We have actually discussed something very similar: a gov to gov workshop side event to the OGDCamp. The difference might be that a gov to gov workshop is kind of gov only an so not by default open for everybody. The reason for this kind of "invite only" events is that some gov people sometimes feel that they cant talk publicly about certain issues. We have organised this kind of "invite only" meetings with great success and people expressed that the informal, non-public character was essential for them to start a dialogue and to build trust. We might organises something similar as side event at OGDCamp again.
So the question is: are your proposed meetings within this scope or are you proposing two more "open" events during the Camp / open to everyone?
All the best
Daniel Dietrich
The Open Knowledge Foundation
Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
www.okfn.org<http://www.okfn.org/> - www.opendefinition.org<http://www.opendefinition.org/>
Mail: daniel.dietrich at okfn.org<mailto:daniel.dietrich at okfn.org>
Mobil: +49 171 780 870 3
Twitter: @ddie
On 22.08.2011, at 20:06, Paul Suijkerbuijk wrote:
Hi Jonathan,
First to all, as an introduction, I'm the project leader / community steward for http://data.overheid.nl<http://data.overheid.nl/> the dutch governement Open Data portal.
I would like to co-organize 2 meetings:
1 meeting of all Open Data portal project managers ;-) the guys like me
first step is to come up with an issue list I would like to discuss during this session,
second, setup a platform (email list..) to continue this on a longer term
2 meeting of government open data policy makers
For this meeting too, an issue list will be set up.
Does this fit in the program?
Looking forward to meet you all !! :-)
Groeten Paul
Op 11 aug. 2011, om 02:12 heeft Jonathan Gray het volgende geschreven:
Hi all,
We're booking venues in Warsaw for around 17-26th October. Many
partner organisations have expressed an interest in organising day or
half day satellite events to the Open Government Data Camp, which will
take place on 20-21st October. The slots are:
* 17-19th October - pre-camp events (Monday to Wednesday)
* 20-21st October - camp (Thursday/Friday)
* 22-26th October - post-camp events (Saturday to Wednesday)
Partnerships on satellite events are *strongly* encouraged - both to
reduce organisational overhead, and to encourage people to work with
people they haven't worked with before (co-organising a satellite
event is a great way to get to know someone!).
For example, some folks from the European Journalism Centre,
OpenCorporates, OpenSpending.org<http://OpenSpending.org/> and Scraperwiki have started planning
for a workshop on data journalism and EU spending data on 24-26th.
A few hypothetical suggestions:
* OpenCorporates and Sunlight Labs might want to run a workshop or
codesprint on company names
* Scraperwiki and mySociety might want to run a scraping workshop on
parliamentary information
* Civic Commons and Open Cities might want to run a day on open
source tools for cities
* Creative Commons, Open Data Commons and LAPSI might want to run a
day on legal tools for open data
* Transparency Hackers and the London Datastore might want to do
something on organising hackdays
What do people think? Any ideas? Any suggestions/preferences for
dates? I'd quite like to do something on international open data
principles [1] on the 19th October. ;-)
[1] http://blog.okfn.org/2011/07/08/we-need-international-open-government-data-principles/
Jonathan Gray
Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation
ogdcamp mailing list
ogdcamp at lists.okfn.org<mailto:ogdcamp at lists.okfn.org>
Groeten Paul
Paul Suijkerbuijk
Projectleider Open Data
T +31 6 204 906 28
E paul.suijkerbuijk at ictu.nl<mailto:paul.suijkerbuijk at ictu.nl>
E opendata at overheid.nl<mailto:opendata at overheid.nl>
I http://data.overheid.nl<http://data.overheid.nl/>
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104
2595 AN Den Haag
Postbus 84011
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Groeten Paul
Paul Suijkerbuijk
Projectleider Open Data
T +31 6 204 906 28
E paul.suijkerbuijk at ictu.nl<mailto:paul.suijkerbuijk at ictu.nl>
E opendata at overheid.nl<mailto:opendata at overheid.nl>
I http://data.overheid.nl
Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104
2595 AN Den Haag
Postbus 84011
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