[ok-edinburgh] capacity of OK Scotland event

Robin Rice rice at staffmail.ed.ac.uk
Tue Apr 27 13:29:49 UTC 2010

Hi Paola,

> it would be a very rare occurrence that everyone who reserved a ticked 
> turned up, a phenomenon
> worthy of scientific investigation in its own right if that happens �:-)

Our experience with the Repository Fringe is that people who book do 
show up. I know that's not the case with a lot of events, but maybe 
these ones are more fun. :-)

I have seen the space and I can believe that 75 is the absolute max.


Robin Rice
EDINA and Data Library
University of Edinburgh

R.Rice at ed.ac.uk
0131 651 1317 (M, W, F)
0131 651 1431 (T, Th)

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in 
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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