[ok-scotland] Fwd: OKFN - Contacts in Dublin and Glasgow

Graeme Arnott graemejarnott at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 09:45:35 UTC 2014

Dear All

I've been asked to circulate the event below with a view to putting a team together. If anyone is interested please let me know.  Feel free to circulate this message. 


Best Regards,

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Evangeline de Bourgoing <edebourgoing at globaleditorsnetwork.org>
> Date: 7 April 2014 09:15:49 BST
> To: Graeme Arnott <graemejarnott at gmail.com>
> Cc: denis.parfenov at gmail.com, ewan at raw-text.io, amy at rhiaro.co.uk, Eduard Martín-Borregón <emartinborregon at gmail.com>, Alberto Abella <alberto.abella at gmail.com>, Mar Cabra <mar.cabra.valero at gmail.com>, Conchita Catalan <ccgbcn at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: OKFN - Contacts in Dublin and Glasgow
> Dear Graeme,
> Thanks for your mail.
> With BBC, we are organizing Hackdays in Glasgow - at the Science Center - on 1 & 2 May. 
> A team from OKFN had taken part in our Hackdays in Barcelona and in Madrid. We were delighted about it and if possible we would like to have a team from your organization on board in Glasgow.
> A team should include a journalist, a designer and up to three developers. They will be expected to build a working prototype of a news app or digital service during the event. The BBC will be offering some instructional material on News Labs technology prior to the event, but there is no mandatory preparation required
> This Hackdays theme is‘The Future of News Curation’: How might we curate and connect our News Storytelling, in the age after “the stream”?
> Please do not hesitate to contact me with any question. 
> Best,
> Evangeline de Bourgoing
> Programme Manager at Globlal Editors Network
>> On Apr 6, 2014, at 9:14 PM, Graeme Arnott <graemejarnott at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Evangeline,
>> I'm based in Glasgow with Open Knowledge Foundation Scotland. How can I help?
>> Best Regards,
>> Graeme
>>> On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Conchita Catalan <ccgbcn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello everybody, 
>>> This email is to put in touch Evangeline de Bourgoing (edebourgoing at globaleditorsnetwork.org) from the organization of GEN Editors Lab hackdays (see the attachment for more info) with people from OKFN in Ireland and Scotland so they can send a team to their event. 
>>> I attended their hackday in Barcelona and here is a report about it. 
>>> http://opengov.cat/en/2014/03/barcelona-global-editors-network-hackday/
>>> OKFN in Ireland
>>> Denis Parfenov
>>> denis.parfenov at gmail.com 
>>> OKFN in Scotland
>>> Ewan Klein 
>>> ewan at raw-text.io
>>> Amy Guy
>>> amy at rhiaro.co.uk
>>> Graeme Arnott
>>> graemejarnott at gmail.com
>>> I hope the OKFN can send a team and enjoy the hackday as much as we did, and the best of luck! Do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything from Barcelona. 
>>> All the best, 
>>> Concha Catalan 
>>> -- 
>>> Visita mi blog: http://barcelonalittleshell.blogspot.com.es/
>>> Visita opengov.cat
>>> 2014-04-04 17:28 GMT+02:00 Evangeline de Bourgoing <edebourgoing at globaleditorsnetwork.org>:
>>>> Dear Concha, Dear Edu,
>>>> I hope you are going well !
>>>> I am currently organizing Hackdays in Glasgow and in Dublin with BBC.
>>>> I would love to have a team from OKFN at this event but I am afraid I do not have any OKFN contacts in Scotland or Ireland.
>>>> By any chance, do you know anyone from the organization in these countries?
>>>> Thanks a lot in advance !
>>>> Best,
>>>> Evangeline
>>>> >
>>>> >
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