[ok-scotland] Reminder: Next #OpenDataEDB, 6.00 pm Thursday 14th May 2015
Ewan Klein
ewan.klein at gmail.com
Fri May 8 15:32:07 UTC 2015
The next #OpenDataEDB meet-up will be hosted by the City of Edinburgh Council, Waverley Court, 4 East Market St, EH8 8BG, starting at 6:00 pm, Thursday 14th May.
Confirmed lightning talks so far:
* William Waites: Collaborative Network Infrastructure in Edinburgh (https://ecn.scot)
* Iain Elder: Business Intelligence with Open Source tools
* Pol Clementsmith: Introducing ORG Scotland
* Jana Ramos: The City of Edinburgh Council Open Data Portal
* Sally Kerr: Code the City Edinburgh (http://www.eventbrite.com/e/codethecity-edinburgh-in-partnership-with-edinburghapps-tickets-16841252640?aff=es2)
* Paul Georgie: 3D Surveying and Open Drone Data (http://www.geogeoglobal.com/news/2015/4/7/aimee-gets-ready-for-summer)
* James Baster: Open Data and MeetYourNextMP (https://meetyournextmp.com/)
Please register at http://attending.io/events/opendataedb18
Open Knowledge Scotland meet-ups are friendly and informal evenings for people to get together to share and argue all areas of openness. Come and join discussions around open knowledge and open data -- from politics and philosophy to practicalities of theory and practice. Information about some of our past meet-ups can be found at http://scot.okfn.org.
Ewan Klein
Open Knowledge Ambassador for Scotland
Skype: ewan.h.klein | @ewanhklein
http://scot.okfn.org/ | @okfnscot
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