[@OKFNau] Opening state and local government budgetary data

Ryan Cross ryanecross at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 06:01:34 UTC 2014

Hi Paul,

I would suggest connecting with Rosie Williams, who has posted previously
on this list about a similar project she has already built for the
Australian Budgetary Data. It is currently focused on Federal budgets, but
I believe she has recently started making progress on state/local and
historical data as well.

It would be great to see both projects collaborate.

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 6:14 PM, Paul Walsh <paulywalsh at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’ve developed a platform for the storage and comparative analysis of
> budgetary data over time and across “entities”. Our project still needs
> work in many areas, but, it is currently working with municipal data in
> Israel.
> I won’t reproduce all the details here, but you can read my post here for
> further information:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/openaustralia-dev/O7B8PyNOtEc
> Or, fi you are a developer, you can see the code and documentation here:
> https://github.com/prjts/openbudgets
> I want to setup a proof of concept with Australian data.
> I am *not* interested in the Federal budget. I am interested in state and
> local government budgets.
> I am finding it difficult to get detailed budget data. If anyone has any
> particular knowledge in this area, and would like to promote local and
> state government transparency in Australia, please contact me.
> Best,
> Paul Walsh
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