[@OKFNau] Open data teleconference update

Rosie Williams budgetaus at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 6 09:17:44 UTC 2014

In case you missed the earlier post, a new open data meetup based in Sydney is being established by Steven Adler (who actually works out of New York). Steven Adler is ' IBM's Chief Information Strategist, co-chair of the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices WG, co-chair of the OASIS System Dynamics TC, and member of the Open Government Partnership.'
Steven would like to encourage open data projects using 'people data' or data that is crowdsourced from the public.
I am co-organiser of the group as a whole but not an organiser of the first event which is a Skype teleconference taking place this Thursday 11 December from 3pm. Please note the change of time from the earlier post. I know some of you have already RSVP'd. The teleconference will focus on the AURIN project http://www.meetup.com/Australia-Open-Data/events/218681629/
To get my head around the kinds of possibilities and problems of people data projects I've started a thread listing examples of 'people data' projects:http://www.meetup.com/Australia-Open-Data/messages/boards/There is not a lot there so far, please contribute or comment if you know of examples or have questions or critiques. 
Steven is also asking people to discuss whether what the UK is doing is where Australia should be going? I'd appreciate hearing what anyone has to say so please share any views you may have. 

Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)________________________________________

 NoFibs.com.au - Open Data Reporter InfoAus.net - Founder and Developer 
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