[@OKFNau] UN Sec General calls for 'data revolution'

Rosie Williams budgetaus at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 9 22:23:31 UTC 2014

'...the United Nations Secretary General formed an Independent Advisory Expert Group (IAEG) on “Data revolution for development”. Our group has been asked to craft a framework on what the “data revolution for development” would mean in practice, what institutional and governance implications this would entail and what are the funding implications.'
This blog post responding to the report is also very interesting:
'the report’s language about regular citizens has the opposite effect, suggesting an idealized, if not unexamined, vision of a super-citizen with the ability to leap over entrenched political, economic and bureaucratic barriers using crowdsourced data, or hashtag campaigns or data APIs.'

Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)________________________________________

 NoFibs.com.au - Open Data Reporter InfoAus.net - Founder and Developer 
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