[@OKFNau] looking for ideas

Keith Moss keithamoss at gmail.com
Tue Jan 7 02:51:29 UTC 2014

And some more: [though I'm guessing you already know this? :)]

SEIFA indexes are available on the ABS website, free of charge (
http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/2033.0.55.001). SEIFA is based
on Census data and it looks like this:

Under the Data section, the Description of available output provides
information on the SEIFA 2011 output available at different geographic
units (SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4, SLA, LGA, State Suburb (SSC), Postal Area (POA),
Commonwealth Electoral Division (CED), State Electoral Division (SED)).

To get here, go to the ABS home page (http://www.abs.gov.au).

Select the Census button from the grey banner at the top of the page:

This will take you to the Census home page:

Select the Data analysis button in the bar on the LHS of the page. This
will take you to the following page:

Choose the SEIFA  button in the bar on the LHS of the page. This will take
you to the SEIFA 2011 home page:

Select SEIFA 2011 from the bar on the RHS of the page. This will take you

Click on the hyperlink and go from there......

If any further assistance is required, I would suggest trying the NIRS line
again - 1300 135 070.


On 7 January 2014 08:59, Keith Moss <keithamoss at gmail.com> wrote:

> Rosie,
> Hopefully this may be of some use:
> "Off the top of my head, I'd suggest National Regional Profiles as a start
>  to see what kind of data we have at the sub-state level. National Regional
> Profiles is a collation of data and the explanatory notes link back to the
> source datasets.
> Census is the most common source of fine level regional detail. SEIFA,
> which was mentioned in the email, is a census product and is updated with
> data from the 2011 Census  Since it is a census product, it is updated
> every 5 years (and thus will be updated again at some point after the 2016
> census).
> I'll pass your query on the STSS people upstairs as they might be able to
> help too."
> Sent from my Dishwasher
> On 07/01/2014 4:31 am, "Rosie Williams" <budgetaus at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> Please see the InfoAus newsletter at
>> http://us7.campaign-archive1.com/?u=109c99ba0377cbca81d6260d8&id=7cc4a34341&e=d288d777b9 for
>> updates to my projects.
>> I'm looking for ideas. I interact with a lot of people through Twitter
>> and came across Les Victor who keeps a very comprehensive file of recent
>> news articles with hashtags, topics and links on Google Drive at
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkbQG9GSsv-bdE55THgzZEJqMnJfcmFNeXBYcHBfd3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0
>> Les and I are thinking about collaborating and I was wondering if anyone
>> has any ideas for how to use the data collected so assiduously by Les?
>> On another matter, is there anyone on the list who knows much about the
>> various kinds of ABS data, in particular how often data grouped by
>> boundaries smaller than states (LGA, electorates, suburb, postcode) are
>> published? I'm trying to find the latest available data for this page of
>> SEIFA Yourself http://infoaus.net/seifa/lga.php?locality=Bankstown
>> I tried to ask the ABS directly but they found my question too difficult
>> to answer and I thought I might get further making enquiries elsewhere.
>> Rosie Williams BA (Sociology)
>> Founder & Developer InfoAus.net
>> InfoAus Home <http://infoaus.net> | InfoAus Blog <http://infoaus.net/wp>
>>  | InfoAus Twitter <https://twitter.com/Info_Aus> | BudgetAus FB<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expenseaus/244247399060027?ref=hl>
>>   <http://www.facebook.com/budgetaus>| eXpenseAusFB<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Expenseaus/244247399060027?ref=hl>
>>                           BudgetAus<http://infoaus.net/budget/budget_home.php> |
>> eXpenseAus <http://infoaus.net/budget/expenses/expenses_home.php> | SEIFA
>> Yourself <http://infoaus.net/seifa/seifa_home.php>
>>                                              ABN 90 345 143 783
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