[@OKFNau] GovCamp Australia, 19 July

John Baxter john at jsbaxter.com.au
Fri Jun 20 07:48:06 UTC 2014

Hey OKFNau

GovCamp Australia <http://govcampau.org> is happening on Saturday 19th July.
Worth being involved in
Nodes are popping up all around the country

Sorry if it seems tangential; I was shocked not to have been emailed its
announcement from a dozen different places, then realised there aren't
really good channels for this sort of thing (I should know, I've tried to
use them myself).
So I'm doing my bit

*John Baxter*
jsbaxter.com.au <http://www.jsbaxter.com.au>
0405 447 829
@jsbaxter_ <http://twitter.com/jsbaxter_>

*note my reclamation policy means I process my inbox once daily— if that*
*happy to hear about anything urgent via phone or Twitter*

*"Reclaiming quality of life one hack at a time"*
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