[@OKau] Center for Open Data Enterprise's Open Data Impact Map

Steven De Costa steven.decosta at linkdigital.com.au
Fri Aug 21 00:46:04 UTC 2015

Based on the description I see they have for the Link Digital item this
would have been seeded from data contained in the open data 500 (AU stuff
is here: http://www.opendata500.com/au/).

If so then OKAU would be there - I can see GovHack and others too.

There is also directory.open-steps.org. I tried to add some entries into
that but was balked by something (although I was trying to do it from a
mobile device).  I have it as a todo item to try again soonish.

*EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR*www.linkdigital.com.au

On 20 August 2015 at 12:12, Jordan Wilson-Otto <j.wilsonotto at gmail.com>

> Hey folks,
> Anyone heard of the Center for Open Data Enterprise's Open Data Impact
> Map? It is a searchable, centralized database of open data use cases from
> around the world. The goal being to better understand the value of open
> data and encourage its use globally.
> http://www.opendataenterprise.org/map/viz/index.html
> It maps
>    - companies, non-profits, or developer groups; that
>    - use open government data for advocacy, to develop products and
>    services, improve operations, inform strategy and/or conduct research.
> Laura Manley, from the Center for Open Data Enterprise, (who I've been
> talking to at the MAV technology annual conference) was looking for some
> help populating Australian groups on the map. I imagine pretty much
> everyone on this list is involved in some organization or group that uses
> open government data - I think it would be great if we could get a few up -
> there's a form on their website.
> http://www.opendataenterprise.org/map/survey/1VP5z8b6Mq/form
> (I think I saw Link Digital on there, but couldn't see Open Knowledge
> Australia, for example)
> Cheers,
> Jordan.
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