[okfn-br] Fwd: AT4AM has been released as Free Software under EUPL v1.1 or later
Carolina Rossini
carolina.rossini em gmail.com
Segunda Março 25 19:50:38 UTC 2013
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JOSEFSSON Erik <erik.josefsson em europarl.europa.eu>
Date: Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 10:44 AM
Subject: AT4AM has been released as Free Software under EUPL v1.1 or later
To: IP-ENFORCEMENT em roster.wcl.american.edu
Dear all,
A bit off topic, but since some of you have been involved in the process, I
think I can share here: A generic version of AT4AM has now been released as
Free Software under EUPL v1.1 or later:
*Parliaments able to save time thanks to free EP tool for managing
legislative amendments*
There's a website here, including links to the source code:
*AT4AM for All*
Best regards.
Parliaments able to save time thanks to free EP tool for managing
legislative amendments Information society - 20-03-2013 - 14:01
[image: A pile of documents in the plenary Chamber]
many amendments? We can help with that!
*A handy tool for managing amendments to legislative proposals is being
offered to national parliaments free of charge by the European Parliament.
Its technical team has created a special tool for managing all files in
just one window of the internet browser. AT4AM - short for Authoring Tool
for Amendments - makes it easier and quicker to table amendments. A generic
open-source version is now being made available to other parliaments.*
Since its launch in 2010, AT4AM has been used to table more than 250,000
amendments in the EP. "Due to this great success in the EP it was a
logical consequence to release the source code and make it available to
national parliaments in order to share a modern instrument for drafting
activity with a minimal investment," said vice-president Rainer Wieland, a
German member of the EPP group.
AT4AM is a web-editor that enables users to file, draft and edit
amendments with only one click in a single browser window. All corrections,
mentions and edits are automatically added to the original document,
without any need to copy data or work on several files at the same time.
Erik Josefsson
Advisor on Internet Policies
Greens/EFA Group<http://www.greens-efa.eu/36-details/josefsson-erik-138.html>
GSM: *+32484082063*
BXL: PHS 04C075 TEL: +3222832667
SBG: WIC M03005 TEL: +33388173776
*Carolina Rossini*
+ 1 6176979389
*carolina.rossini em gmail.com*
skype: carolrossini
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