[okfn-br] Fwd: [BOAI] Content for Open Science - Open the shell and show us your pearls!

Alexandre Hannud Abdo abdo em member.fsf.org
Domingo Abril 27 03:36:55 UTC 2014


Oba Carol,

Incluí a página inicial do manual de ciência aberta. Nem ferrando vou
ter paciência de incluir cada vídeo e texto individualmente...

PS: essa era uma mensagem que faria sentido ter mandado pra lista
cienciaaberta kkkk, acho q te dei bronca demais :( sorry :*



On 11-04-2014 09:10, Carolina Rossini wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Birgit Schmidt" <bschmidt em sub.uni-goettingen.de
> <mailto:bschmidt em sub.uni-goettingen.de>>
> Date: Apr 11, 2014 6:39 AM
> Subject: [BOAI] Content for Open Science – Open the shell and show us
> your pearls!
> To: <sparc-oaforum em arl.org <mailto:sparc-oaforum em arl.org>>,
> <goal em eprints.org <mailto:goal em eprints.org>>, "BOAI Forum post"
> <boai-forum em ecs.soton.ac.uk <mailto:boai-forum em ecs.soton.ac.uk>>
> Cc:
> ** Apologies for cross-posting **
> *Content for Open Science – Open the shell and show us your pearls!____*
> Following a very fruitful response to our Call for Training events (we
> are now evaluating 45 proposals from 19 countries, and we will notify
> selected applicants before April 30^th ), FOSTER is calling for training
> content. ____
> Have you, or your organization, created or repackaged/reused quality
> content (from briefing papers, to presentations, videos, etc) on open
> access, open data and open science in any language, which can be useful
> and used in the FOSTER training context?  We are now calling for the
> community’s contributions to the identification and mapping of relevant
> content which can be used for FOSTER training, to equip researchers,
> project managers, administrators and future trainers with knowledge of
> the benefits of Open Science and compliance with the Horizon 2020
> Mandate (Article 29.2 of the model Grant Agreement).____
> With your help, we want to showcase engaging and instructive training
> materials and reach out to diverse disciplinary communities and
> countries in the European Research Area.____
> We are looking for content that may vary widely both in terms of theme
> (from general open access advocacy, to discipline specific
> promotion/training for open science) and format (from individual texts,
> slides or videos to full packaged training objects or courses).  ____
> So, if you have produced, used, or are simply aware of, quality content
> on open access, open data and open science, and want to give that
> content a wider audience in collaboration with the FOSTER training
> programme, please describe it using the form available at:
> http://goo.gl/meV0EK ____
> This call for content will remain open during the project’s lifetime,
> but we are aiming to have an initial relevant sample of content by early
> May, so we would be very grateful if you could submit your content by
> April 30^th .____
> *About FOSTER____*
> FOSTER (Facilitate Open Science Training for European
> Research http://www.fosteropenscience.eu/), an FP7-funded project, aims
> to support different stakeholders, especially young researchers, in
> practicing open access, open data sharing and open science.____
> *Contact person____*
> If you have any questions or need clarifications, please contact Ivo
> Grigorov, ivgr[@]aqua.dtu.dk <http://aqua.dtu.dk>
> -- 
> ******************************************************
> Dr. Birgit Schmidt
> Scientific Manager
> Goettingen State and University Library
> - Electronic Publishing -
> Platz der Goettinger Sieben 1
> D-37073 Goettingen
> Tel. +49 551 39-33181 <tel:%2B49%20551%2039-33181>
> Fax  +49 551 39-5222 <tel:%2B49%20551%2039-5222>
> bschmidt em sub.uni-goettingen.de <mailto:bschmidt em sub.uni-goettingen.de>
> ______________________________________________________
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> Open Access www.open-access.net <http://www.open-access.net>
> --
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