[okfn-br] [URGENTE!] Ajuda na tradução da carta contra o #PLespião

Everton Zanella Alvarenga tom em ok.org.br
Quarta Setembro 30 11:32:51 UTC 2015

Revisei agora cedo a maior parte das contribuições do Carlos (obrigado!)
aqui nesse gdocs
Transcrevo abaixo como ficou. Contribuições aqui ou no gdcos bem-vindas.

*Watch out! The Brazilian Congress is trying to butcher the Brazilian Civil
Rights Framework for the Internet!*
*Civil society organizations gathered in the coalition pro Internet Rights
law ('Articulação Marco Civil Já!') already repudiate parliamentary
initiatives that threaten the internet users privacy and freedom of

*There are currently bills in the House of Representatives that threaten
one of the most important democratic gains of the last period - the
approval of the Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet (“Marco
Civil da Internet” - MCI), Law 12.965/2014. The MCI ensures fundamental
rights to network users, such as privacy and freedom of expression in line
with internationally accepted guidelines of Internet governance.*
Encouraged by private sectors of great economic power and their
self-interest to restrain criticism of movements backed by the right to
freedom of expression, parliamentarians presented  bills in the House that
change the MCI.

PL 215/2015 - a bill presented by Brazilian representative Hildo Rocha
(PMDB), and its attachments - PL 1547/2015 authored by Expedito Netto, and
PL 1589/2015 by Soraya  Santos - seeks to include harsher punishments into
articles 48 and 141 of Brazil's Criminal Code to inhibit social network
users crimes. Furthermore, the bill changes provisions of MCI, modifying
articles 10, 13, 15, 19 and adding article 21-A. These changes grant public
authorities access to data from Internet users with no need of a court
order, and mandatory removal of published online content after a simple
allegation of crime against honor, which also impose individual and
economic restriction penalties to internet providers deeply compromising
the principles of non-accountability on the internet. User's data that
authorities will be able to  obtain without a warrant include all online
communication - content from e-mails, online chat and conversations through
messenger apps such as Skype and Whatsapp.

The bill 215/2015 puts at risk the necessary balance between protecting the
right to privacy and the criminal prosecution as well as democracy itself
by allowing such abuses.

Such proposals have already been rejected in the course of MCI.
Incidentally, it is worth noting that the devices now present in the MCI
were the result of a broad social debate and an intense political
negotiation, which makes this one of the most democratic laws already voted
in the recent history of Brazil’s National Congress.

We believe that any change in MCI should be preceded by a qualified
discussion, supported by technical considerations, political and social. It
is needed, mostly, intense democratic participation equivalent to the
process from which it originated, with a public consultation process, so
that society interests can be represented regarding personal data
protection and freedom of expression on the internet.

We know that a very significant wing of the PMDB frontally opposed to the
approval of MCI, representing conservatory and powerful economic interests
agents. However, such interest can not override the safeguards established
by the democratic legislative process and the public interest as so overly
advocated in MCI's debate.

The initiative of the mentioned representatives undermines the Rule of Law
principles, in that it reveals itself as retaliation for established
rights, even before the MCI being regulated, with the clear objective to
reverse the victory that Brazilian society had in Congress .

Therefore, entities gathered in coalition pro Internet Rights Law repudiate
the artful maneuver and anti-democratic action carried forward by the PMDB,
which stimulates the arbitrary vigilantism and unreasonable censorship,
impairing the Rule of Law. We require that the representatives wait for the
democratic process already established by the Executive and the bill of
Personal Data Protection which will address the same issue, however, with
broad participation.

Original a título de comparação: http://plespiao.org.br/

2015-09-29 21:15 GMT-03:00 Carlos Andrade <carlosviansi em gmail.com>:

> Eu tentei corrigir o máximo possível em todos os paragrafos, estão em modo
> revisão para vocês decidirem. Não conheço o vocabulário americano para
> política, então os nomes precisam ser verificados se significam mesmo as
> mesmas coisas para o pessoal aqui (EUA) e/ou outros lugares. Alguns
> cuidados a tomar é com a consistência dos nomes que não foi mantida pelo
> tradutor (e.g. Articulação Marco Civil Já logo no inicio e ao fim do texto).
> Um parágrafo completo estava faltando do PLEspião:
> Na sétima e última versão do substitutivo, a proposta ainda prevê a
> ampliação dos dados cadastrais a serem coletados pelos provedores de
> internet, impondo a obrigação de reterem dados como endereço completo,
> telefone e CPF, que poderão ser repassados, sem ordem judicial, para
> autoridades que tenham atribuição legal para fazer esse pedido.
> O qual me parece ser extremamente importante não estar faltando!
> Coloquei ele lá no documento como lembrete. Acho também que seria
> interessante colocar um link para as leis mencionadas. Por fim, eu não sei
> o que será feito do texto em inglês, mas se o objetivo for divulgação e/ou
> assinaturas como a versão em pt ou a página da OKFN-BR, sugiro reduzir o
> número de adjetivos do texto original criticando partidos. pessoas e
> filosofia de atentado a isso e aquilo ir direto ao ponto, que pelo se
> resume a o que é a Lei 12.965/2014 (MCI), a PL 215/2015, os artigos
> modificados e o que passaria a entrar em vigor (parágrafo acima e começando
> a falar sobre a PL 215/2015). Apesar de tanto paragrafo também não me ficou
> claro no documento a urgência dele e/ou links para acompanhamento do mesmo.

Everton Zanella Alvarenga
Open Knowledge Brasil
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