[okfn-cz] Akční plán České republiky "Partnerství pro otevřené vládnutí " zítra na vládě

Ton Zijlstra ton.zijlstra at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 08:43:43 UTC 2012

Hi Petra,

I would be interested if there is a web page or statement published today
on the Czech OGP action plan. So I could refer to it in a news item for

Any pointer to a web address woud be great!


Ton Zijlstra
community steward ePSIplatform.eu
Interdependent Thoughts
Ton Zijlstra

ton at tonzijlstra.eu


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2012/4/3 Petra Humlíčková <petra.humlickova at zelenykruh.cz>

> http://kormoran.vlada.cz/usneseni/usneseni_webtest.nsf/9F7E44531B899F5FC12573EF0047DADB/C055DD639D17CE46C12579D50021C6BC?OpenDocument
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