[okfn-discuss] Re: open knowledge forum this autumn: civic info 2

Francis Irving francis at flourish.org
Thu Oct 5 19:43:49 UTC 2006

23 November seems like a good day, let's settle on that.

Matthew (from mySociety) can talk about UK Parliament
stuff, or we can find someone if he can't. Richard Pope
would be a good person who has used some of our data
for campaigns and so on.

Heather is a good idea. I have a couple of other suggestions
on Statute Law, if you want to try and get Heather on FoI
and someone else on law.


On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 01:35:03PM +0100, Rufus Pollock wrote:
> As detailed in a previous email [1] we now plan to do a single-subject 
> forum this autumn on civic information (and do the big full-day event 
> next spring). For the forum the usual format is:
>   * 2 hour slot in the evening
>   * 4-5 speakers
>   * informal atmosphere and lots of discussion
> I've already confirmed that space will be available in mid-to-late 
> november and so the next thing we need to do is:
>  1. get a shortlist of speakers and then invite them
>  2. settle on a firm date
> Speakers
> ========
> Francis: do you and anyone else at MySociety have suggestions for speakers?
> Does anyone else have suggestions for potential speakers?
> Some ideas I had:
>   * Heather Brooke talking on FoI and the Statute Law Database
>   * Might be nice to have one slot which just ultra-lightning demos of 
> websites/datasets. This would consist, say, of 5 websites in 10 minutes
>   * Someone from OPSI
> Date
> ====
>    November 2006
>  S  M Tu  W Th  F  S
>           1  2  3  4
>  5  6  7  8  9 10 11
> 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
> 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
> 26 27 28 29 30
> I'd suggest kepping to the weeks of the 13th or 20th and the 'tradition' 
> has been to hold this on a thursday which would mean the 16th or the 
> 23rd though any other day except friday would be fine. Just so as to 
> indicate an exact date what about Thursday the 23rd?
> Francis: Do you know of any issues with these sorts of dates for you or 
> others at MS?
> Regards,
> Rufus
> [1]:http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-discuss/2006-September/000139.html

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